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for Success
LISSANDRA LÓPEZ | Personal & Professional Development Coach

Today is your
opportunity to
build the tomorrow you want.
Let's work together to build your confidence, take intentional steps towards working through roadblocks and reach the success that you deserve!

I'm Lissandra
An extrovert and optimist who lives in the spirit of gratitude.
Early in my career I felt lost, I did not know what I was passionate about, I did not feel like I had a voice, I did not have a network of trusted advisors that I could use as a sounding board. I moved from job to job aimlessly trying to figure out where I fit, and what value I brought to my role. I learned so many lessons throughout my journey about the importance of being authentic, having a growth mindset, and treating myself with compassion.

You are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress simultaneously.
~ Sofia Bush
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